Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Two and a half weeks in....

And my insides are going nuts. I've never popped so many gas/nausea/you name it/pills in my life. I guess it was too much to expect to get nuked for five weeks and not have any effects. My energy level is doing OK, sometimes I'm a bit foppish, but generally doing alright, I can at least go to work and do the things I need to do each day.
And what's with a drug named...5FU? Someone needs a new ad agency. I'm sure the chemo is doing what it is supposed to do, but talk about an unfortunate name. Might I suggest perhaps "Morcures" or TumorNuke" or anything but a name that brings a cuss word to mind.


Jamie said...

Yeah, not exactly an inspiring name, lol. I like TumorNuke.

kodiak73 said...

I think SNL was onto something with Colonblow... I know it was more of a laxative but I think it works for your situation as well.

Brother, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
